Skincare Brands that are Au Naturel and Makes You Glow!

Truthfully, the Korea trip last year largely contributed to my basic skincare routine today.  After attending a skincare workshop by Odbo, I’ve gradually learnt that Koreans are very conscious about their looks, and they are especially mindful about what they put on their face.

It is very common for ladies to go for regular facial appointments, right?  However, Korea was slightly more unique when it comes to basic skincare.  Guys actually invest in regular facial treatments and sessions too!  They strongly believe in exfoliation, detoxing, and face peels.  Henceforth, you may also come to realise that there are many saunas located in just one city too!  Apparently, detox is a huge deal for the Koreans (especially during winter)!

Now you know the secret to the everlasting perfection of the actors and actresses in K-dramas! 〲

So here are my top 3 organic skincare brands that I believe will bring out the best in you!

Handmade Heroes is a local brand that I’ve recently discovered while googling for affordable organic skincare in Singapore.  They have appeared in the FEMALE magazine (2015), and has been featured in many local press.  It seems trustworthy enough!  So off I went and purchased this best sellers set @ S$37.90.

Personally, I love the dry shampoo the most.  It has the minty and tingling feel on the scalp when I sprinkled it on the roots.  Also, it doesn’t have any buildups for me!

My next favourite was the French Rose lip tint.  My Mom was so fascinated by my lip tint that she had me ordering one for her as well!  Not to forget, my boyfriend loves the taste of the french rose too (I put it on him, much to his dismay)!  Of course due to the packaging of the lip tint, the roller tend to detach from the lip tint tube.  Now, I had to carefully cover it so the cover wouldn’t be messy with red tint!  So, here’s something that you may want to take note of before buying the lip tint.  If given another chance, I’d still buy it despite the small issue.  It’s vegan, cruelty-free, au-natural & affordable!  What more can I ask for, seriously?  

The lip scrub is tasty, sweet and oh-so-tempting upon scrubbing!  My boyfie and I just couldn’t resist and tasted it while we were lip-scrubbing!  Honestly, this scrub works like magic, and turned our chapped lips into smooth, soft & kissable lips!  You may want to try it out for yourself! 😉

Last but not the least, the rice scrub is incorporated in my regular self-care routine.  After a dry brush session, I’ll always slather a scoop of the scrub onto my body for a nice scrub-down.  Remember to always slather a scoop!  I’d realised that whenever I slather slightly more than a scoop, I tend to smell more like rice + cocoa butter, rather than roses.  Who doesn’t want to smell like roses, right?  So remember, one scoop.  Period.

KORA Organics is an Australian-made organic skincare brand that is created by a very famous supermodel, Miranda Kerr.  I’m an absolute fan of hers and her philosophy for life.  She’s just so full of life, beauty & gracefulness.  When I discovered her products, it was under my must-have list! Thankfully for me, my best friend was heading to Melbourne for a vacation break, and she was so sweet to have helped me purchased back these beauties! (Thanks babe :’))

My top 2 favourites for KORA are the Clay Purifying Mask and the energising Citrus Mist. Not to forget, the Luxurious Rosehip Oil is my ultimate fave.  Because it’s only 15ml, I use it only during emergency when my face feels extremely dry and flaky after a full day of makeup.

Lastly, Annmarie Gianni was introduced to me through my inbox in a newsletter from Kris Carr.  Because of my love for eco-friendly, organic and au-natural skincare products, I’ve decided to try out Annmarie products.  I’m truly grateful that Annmarie provides samples with free shipping worldwide.

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Normal & Combination Set Sample @ USD10

Thereafter, I started my Annmarie journey and gradually tried out the Sun Protection (Sun Love) as well.  Up till now, I’m still using these products and loving them more day after day!

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Sun Love Sample @ USD20

Annmarie has also recently been certified with MADE SAFE™.  This just gave me even more confidence to use the products without worrying about anything negative or toxic on my skin!  Can you imagine all the toxic that gets through your skin and into the bloodstream…OMG!! 

I saved the best news for the last! ϡ

We do not need to pay the VERY expensive shipping fee to ship the products from USA to Singapore!  THANKFULLY, Annmarie products are also sold under!  However, promotions wouldn’t be made available to us whenever Annmarie main store has it. Even if that’s the case, it doesn’t really matter because the estimated price of the products (between USA & SG) are relative to one another!  So it’s definitely a win-win for us! Ü

So, are you ready to invest wisely in your skin — which is the biggest organ of the body?

Whenever you’re ready, just pluck up the courage and give these beauties a try!  Your skin will surely thank you for it! :’)

Until next time,

Have fun, stay awesome & laugh always!

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